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Profile Launch Notifications

“Profile start failed” notification

If the notification appears on the profile launch, you need to update the components in the account Settings -> Additional. The components will be downloaded automatically. The Internet connection must be stable.

Profile status changed to Error

Case 1

This notification is related to a profile syncing malfunction (the Error button is lit up in bright red).

Solution: Click on the “Error” button. Octo Browser will retry synchronization. Your Internet connection must be stable.

Case 2

This notification means that there is a profile synchronization malfunction on another device (the Error button is dim red).

Solution: Click on the “Error” button on the device where the profile was launched last. Octo Browser will retry synchronization. The Internet connection must be stable.

“No valid profiles for import” Notification

This notification might appear when importing an .octo profile. Most likely, the profile has already been imported previously.

Solution: If someone has previously imported this file into Octo Browser, this cannot be imported again.

“Transfer to the same account is not allowed” Notification

This notification is displayed when trying to transfer a profile to a team member/master account in the same Octo Browser account.

Solution: If you want to grant access to a profile to a team member, assign a tag to that profile and grant the team member access to profiles with this tag; or grant access to all profiles in the team member's access rights settings.

Connection Notifications

“Check your Internet connection” notification

Case 1

There is a problem with your Internet connection. If it is not stable, Octo Browser will not be able to connect to its servers.

Solution: You need to change your Internet connection, or provide a more stable connection. Try doing the following:

  • Restart your device
  • Restart your router
  • Use your mobile Internet connection
  • Change DNS in the system to /
  • Enable or disable your VPN.

Case 2

Windows Defender and other antivirus software have been known to remove some Octo Browser components.

Solution: You need to add Octo Browser to your antivirus exclusions. You can consult our tutorial showing how to do this.

“Proxy connection failed” notification

Case 1

This notification is due to issues either with the proxy that is set in the profile, or with the Internet connection.

Solution: If you are certain that the proxy is working correctly, try changing the Internet connection (use your mobile Internet, on enable a Europe-geolocated VPN). If altering the connection did not help, make sure that the proxy is working correctly.

Case 2

Your antivirus may be blocking some Octo Browser components.

Solution: You need to add Octo Browser to your antivirus exclusions. You can consult our tutorial showing how to do this.

“Failed to get proxy data due to a connection error” notification

The notification is related either to the proxy in the profile, or your Internet connection.

Solution: If you are certain that the proxy is working correctly, try changing the Internet connection (use your mobile Internet, on enable a Europe-geolocated VPN). If altering the connection did not help, make sure that the proxy is working correctly.

“Profile synchronization failed” notification

Case 1

Profile Synchronization Malfunction.

Solution for Windows:

  • Close Octo Browser
  • Press key combination "Win"+"R"
  • In the window that opens, enter %appdata%, then click "OK". Find and delete the Octo Browser folder
  • Restart Octo Browser

Solution for macOS:

  • Close Octo Browser and type rm -rf ~/.Octo\ Browser in the terminal
  • This command deletes the ~/.Octo\ Browser folder
  • Restart Octo Browser

Case 2

The Internet connection was lost, and the profile was not synchronized with the cloud. The profile "Start" button has changed to "Error." In this case, please consult the “Profile status changed to Error” notification on this page.

Case 3

Profile cannot be synced due to an unstable Internet connection.


  • Restart your device and router
  • Use your mobile Internet
  • Change the system DNS to /
  • Enable or disable your VPN
  • Re-sync your profile

“Cannot change proxy IP. Please try later” notification.

Case 1

The notification appears when trying to change the IP address using a URL.

Solution: Make sure the link you are using is correct. You can paste the link in the Google Chrome browser, and check if the IP change occurs. If the URL leads to an error, or otherwise behaves unexpectedly, consult the URL provider.

Case 2

Some proxy providers block the user-agent from the request library that we use. We don't have access to Cloudflare that your ISP uses, and that's why the URL doesn't work. You can ask your ISP to unblock Cloudflare, this will resolve the issue.

Solution: Contact your proxy provider support and ask for another IP change URL.

Case 3

Some proxy providers have a limit on the number of IP address change requests for their proxies during certain time intervals.

Solution: Please contact your proxy provider to learn about such limits.

Client Notifications

“Component not found” Notification

Please read a detailed description of the notification here.

“Something went wrong” Notification

Possible causes:

  • Access rights/permissions conflict at the OS level
  • Profile synchronization failed (the user did not wait for the profile synchronization to finish and closed the Octo Browser Client; the connection was interrupted; the device suddenly turned off)
  • Using an outdated version of Octo Browser
  • A faulty Internet connection, etc.

Case 1

This notification appears when starting any profile. Solution: You can check this by creating a “Quick Profile“ and trying to run this profile. If “Quick Profile” works, you need to Clear Storage in your Account Settings – Additional. If “Quick Profile” does not work, please send the browser log to the support chat in order for us to work with the issue.

Case 2

The notification appears only with some profiles.

Solution: Close all profiles and Clear Storage the account Settings → Additional. If clearing the storage did not help, please contact Octo Browser technical support.

Case 3

This notification is displayed on Octo Browser launch (on the authentication page).

Solution: You need to change the connection using a VPN or mobile Internet (or disable the VPN if it is enabled), also try changing the server in the "Select Server" menu.

“Please correct invalid cookies” Notification

Occurs when adding cookies to a profile. This notification means that there are incorrect symbols in the cookies. An incorrect cookie format is being used, or no cookies have been added.

Solution: Check the cookies using any validator, e.g., https://jsonformatter.org/. If there is incorrect data in the cookies, the validator will indicate this during the check.

“Browser version is too low” Notification

It is necessary to update Octium to the latest version.

Solution: Update components in Octo Settings → Additional.

“Not enough profile slots” Notification

Appears when a user tries to import an .octo profile when the maximum number of profiles in the current subscription has been reached (no free profile slots).

Solution: You need to make room for the new profile.

“Rate limit. Wait 1 min" Notification

Appears if too many requests have been sent from one account.

Solution: Wait for a minute and retry the request.

It is also possible that too many users are actively using the same Octo Browser account. Normally, 1 or 2 employees can work comfortably using one account. You can solve this by making them team members using a separate email (for team subscriptions).

Subscription notifications

“You have more icons than subscription allow” Notification

The number of added icons is greater than the current subscription supports. The number of available icons is 20 icons.

Solution: It is necessary to remove unnecessary profile icons.

“You have more subaccounts than subscription allow” Notification

The number of added team members is greater than your current subscription allows.

Solution: You need to remove extra team members.

“You have more profiles than subscription allow” Notification

The number of added profiles is greater than your current subscription allows.

Solution: You need to remove extra profiles.

“You have more profiles, subaccounts than subscription allow” Notification

The number of added profiles and team members is greater than supported by your current subscription.

Solution: Remove unnecessary profiles and team members.

“User already exists. The invite was not sent" Notification

This email is already registered in Octo Browser. A team member's email must not have been registered previously.

Solution: Add team members using emails that were not previously registered in Octo Browser.

“Invite already sent” Notification

The invite has already been sent to this e-mail address.

Solution: Check the email address to which the invite was sent. Don't forget to check your spam folder.

“Not enough tokens” Notification

The number of tokens on your account is not enough to purchase or renew a subscription, or to pay for a profile export.

Solution: top up your balance with the required number of tokens.

“Oops, that promotion code didn't work. Check the code and try again.” Notification

Possible reasons why a promo code did not work include:

Case 1

You have previously registered in Octo Browser and purchased a subscription. Promo codes are only valid for new users who have not previously purchased subscriptions in Octo Browser. Otherwise, when entering a promo code, this notification will be displayed.

Case 2

The promo code has expired.

Solution: You can check if a promo code is still valid by contacting technical support and providing your account email address and the promo code you're trying to activate.

Case 3

The promo code is incorrect or does not exist.

Solution: When entering a promo code, please note that the case of characters matters.

“Current password is invalid" Notification

This notification occurs when you try to change your account password and enter the current password incorrectly.

Solution: Check that the current password is entered correctly.

"Too short, min length is 8" Notification

This notification appears when you try to create or modify a password that is less than 8 characters long.

Solution: Use a password that contains 8 characters or more.

“Receiver not found or has inactive subscription” Notification

This notification occurs when you try to transfer a profile to a non-existent or inactive Octo account.

Solution: Check the email of the account you are trying to transfer the profile to.

"Maximum templates on your subscription plan reached" Notification

This notification occurs when the maximum number of templates supported by a subscription is exceeded.

Solution: Delete unnecessary templates, and create new ones if necessary. If you still need more templates, you should consider upgrading your subscription.

“Maximum start pages” Notification

This notification occurs when the allowed number of start pages for a profile is exceeded.

Solution: Remove unnecessary start pages. The limit on the number of start pages for a profile is no more than 20.

"Maximum icons on your subscription plan reached" Notification

The notification appears when a new icon is uploaded to the profile when the maximum number of icons provided by your current subscription is reached.

Solution: In this situation, we recommend removing one of the icons and uploading a new one. There is an option to add 20 icons for all subscriptions.