Profile Export and Import
You can export the entire profile (with its fingerprint, cookies, and proxy) using this function. Extensions are not saved during export. If a team member does not have access to profile transfers, the export list will also be unavailable to them.
Exporting a profile
Profile export allows you to export an Octo Browser profile to a separate file that can be transferred to another Octo Browser user. After export the profile will appear in a separate Export List. To download the file with the exported profile, go to the Export List and download the necessary profiles or click “Download page.” The file with the profile will be saved on your device in the Downloads folder. The file with the profile is stored in the Export List until it is imported into another Octo Browser account. The cost of one profile export is 0.5 tokens.
You can export profiles in bulk (up to 100 profiles per request) using API or directly in Octo Browser. Please consult our API documentation to learn how to do this.
Importing a profile
Profile import allows you to import a previously exported profile into Octo Browser (a file with .octo extension). The user who imports the file into their Octo Browser account will receive a profile with the same fingerprint and cookies the profile had when it was exported. A profile file can be imported only once. After a file has been imported, the corresponding entry with this profile in the exporter's Export List will disappear.
You can import profiles in bulk (up to 100 profiles per request) using API or directly in Octo Browser. Please consult our API documentation to learn how to do this.
The one-time import limit is 100 profiles. If a user exceeds this limit, they won't be able to import profiles and will see the following error message: "You cannot import more than 100 profiles at a time."
Each profile starts on a new line.
If there is incorrect data in imported strings, the server returns errors similar to working with files.
Acceptable text formats
Profile Data:
Contents of a .octo file:
{"data": "{\"uuid\": \"42d5de10e2277ca482dcd3360cce29ec\", \"title\": \"Quick fearful-save\", \"data\": \"JGFlc19nY20kJG80bHVCVERGYXJmMFBRLktEOVFRZy6uZXVaMTlUUjBlN2dPQTJLUWViaHJULmdBd242YkVpNTJLL2JyZjhpSktHenJtMTdZSGZ0UXJFNHJQMEY1RGNtOVNVUR==\"}"}
Contents of an old-format .octo file:
{"data": "{\"title\": \"Quick boss-labour\", \"exported_at\": \"2024-11-29 14:25:52\", \"profile\": \"gAAAAABlZ0n_lSQsqNCJmyN4ryQBJGhJM-Gvj7EntDGbBBbYX92UHQtJvu0aUaJNCKFrp9dRpzicyRQWQf0PjnDzMhM0AQrF6A==\"}", "signature": "MEUCIQCwdj0Lhor7lK3wQHwfr6yOtegjmw/LCTYSCpxzS0AwoQIgEZOX6CJD7oVbc9jApgbft6nar9NpSf/OG3jaAm3NGws="}
API-compatible format:
{\"uuid\": \"42d5de10e2284ca482dcd3330cce29ec\", \"title\": \"Quick fearful-save\", \"data\": \"JGFlc19nY20kJG80bHVCVERGYXJmMFBRLktEOVFRZy6uZXVaMTlUUjBlN2dPQTJLUWViaHJULmdBd242YkVpNTJLL2JyZjhpSktHenJtMTdZSGZ0UXJFNHJQMEY1RGNtOVNVUR==\"}